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Editorial board

Meet the editorial board members

Join as an editorial board member

Being on the editorial board of RDMkit entails shaping how RDM best practices, written by experts, are communicated to the readers who are interested in applying those best practices in their everyday work. As an editor, you contribute to the vision of how this information is presented to the life science community at large.

Advantages of being an RDMkit editor

  • You will be up-to-date with numerous RDM topics while reviewing proposed content.
  • This work helps to increase your visibility as an expert in RDM.
  • You will be able to suggest thematic gaps that should be added to the RDMkit, of which you can take ownership as part of the team.
  • You will expand your professional network.
  • You will make an impact in improving RDM in Life Sciences by developing effective ways to communicate best practices to stakeholders.


  • Careful consideration and examination of topics proposed by contributors to make sure it is relevant for the RDMkit.
  • Work together with contributors on how and where their specific contribution fits best in RDMkit.
  • Provide timely feedback for improving the quality of the content, according to the RDMkit style guide.
  • Format content according to RDMkit templates.
  • Join the biweekly editorial meeting.
  • Manage a Github repository.

Call to join us

RDMkit is receiving a lot of attention from policy makers, funders and RDM infrastructure providers. Therefore, editorial board members should be professionals and experts in RDM, with an interest in effective digital communication, who can help in keeping high-quality content. We want to keep the editorial board manageable in numbers. We are, thus, looking for complementary expertise to the current members.


  • The applicant must have experience in RDM.
  • The applicant must be interested in effective digital communication of best practices and guidelines.
  • The applicant should be willing to spend some time on the evaluation of content.
  • The applicant should be open to discussing topics with other editorial board members and to accept feedback.
  • The applicant should have basic knowledge of Github.


To become part of the editorial team, please provide:

  • A short motivation letter (a couple of paragraphs) describing why you would like to join the RDMkit editorial board.
  • A summary of your experience in RDM.
  • List of the RDMkit sections that you are most interested in (or feel are missing).

Please send your application to

Past editorial board members

In this section, we would like to thank the contributions of our past editorial members.

Daniel Faria

Daniel Faria

University of Lisbon / ELIXIR-PT

Laura Portell Silva

Laura Portell Silva

Barcelona Supercomputing Center / ELIXIR-ES

Martin Cook

Martin Cook


Mijke Jetten

Mijke Jetten

Niclas Jareborg

Niclas Jareborg


Pinar Alper

Pinar Alper


Rob Hooft

Rob Hooft