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All training resources

Overview of all training resources mentioned in RDMkit pages. This overview is automatically generated.

It is recommended to add your training materials and events into the ELIXIR training registry TeSS.

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Name Related page Registry
Training in TeSS about Analysing Analysing TeSS
Training in TeSS about Belgium Belgium TeSS
ELIXIR Belgium community in Zenodo Belgium Zenodo
ELIXIR Belgium YouTube Belgium YouTube
RDMbites for using REMBI Bioimaging data TeSS
Training in TeSS about Biomolecular simulation data Biomolecular simulation data TeSS
BioExcel Knowledge Resource Center Biomolecular simulation data
Training in TeSS about Switzerland Switzerland TeSS
Training in TeSS about Collecting Collecting TeSS
Training in TeSS about CSC CSC TeSS
CSC - Bioscience webpages CSC
CSC - Training and events webpages CSC
CSC - Learning Materials for Bioscientists CSC
CSC - Data management youtube channel CSC YouTube
CSC - Research data management services for life science research (youtube video) CSC
Data analysis with Chipster - Course packages CSC
Tutorials and lecture playlists on different topics (youtube) CSC YouTube
Training in TeSS about Czech Republic Czech Republic TeSS
ELIXIR-CZ YouTube Czech Republic YouTube
ELIXIR-CZ GitHub Czech Republic GitHub
ELIXIR-CZ Zenodo Czech Republic Zenodo
Training in TeSS about Data analysis Data analysis TeSS
Training in TeSS about Data brokering Data brokering TeSS
Training in TeSS about Data management plan Data management plan TeSS
Training in TeSS about Data security Data security TeSS
Training in TeSS about Data sensitivity Data sensitivity TeSS
Training in TeSS about Data transfer Data transfer TeSS
Training in TeSS about Germany Germany TeSS
Training in TeSS about Spain Spain TeSS
Learning material on ethics in RDM Ethical aspects TeSS
Training in TeSS about FAIRtracks FAIRtracks TeSS
Galaxy Training Network Galaxy
Galaxy Mentor Network Galaxy
Training in TeSS about Galaxy Galaxy TeSS
Training in TeSS about GDPR compliance GDPR compliance TeSS
ELIXIR GREECE: Prospects of data and tools for ELIXIR Greece Greece Zenodo
The ELIXIR GREECE Galaxy server including best practices tools and workflows for the analysis of SARS-CoV-2 data Greece Zenodo
Training in TeSS about Human data Human data TeSS
A FAIR guide for data providers to maximise sharing of human genomic data Human data
Toward better governance of human genomic data Human data
OMOP Common Data Model and the OHDSI analytics for observational analytics of real world healthcare data courses in EHDEN academy Human data
ELIXIR Ireland Training Ireland ELIXIR Ireland
Training in TeSS about IFB IFB TeSS
Data management training at the IFB IFB
Inist and the network of regional scientific information units (Urfist) IFB
Documentation for the IFB core cluster IFB
Documentation for the Biosphere cloud federation IFB
Training in TeSS about Italy Italy TeSS
Training in TeSS about Luxembourg Luxembourg TeSS
Materials for the ELIXIR Luxembourg course on "Best Practices in Research Data Management and Stewardship." Luxembourg Zenodo
Machine learning events and materials on TeSS Machine learning TeSS
Training in TeSS about Marine metagenomics Marine metagenomics TeSS
Training in TeSS about Marine Metagenomics Marine Metagenomics TeSS
ELIXIR Norways training pages Marine Metagenomics
Workshop materials on ELIXIR-SI eLearning Platform (EeLP) Marine Metagenomics
Intro MOLGENIS YouTube
Tutorials MOLGENIS YouTube
Code on github MOLGENIS GitHub
Installation MOLGENIS
Training in TeSS about NeLS NeLS TeSS
Training in TeSS about Netherlands Netherlands TeSS
ELIXIR Netherlands community in Zenodo Netherlands Zenodo
Professionalising data stewardship. Dutch projects in Zenodo Netherlands Zenodo
Training in TeSS about Norway Norway TeSS
ELIXIR Norway community in Zenodo Norway Zenodo
General information about the OME ecosystem OMERO
Collection of presentations given over the years OMERO
Technical documentation for developers, system administrators OMERO
Collection of workflow describing to how use the system, with links to scripts and notebooks OMERO
YouTube channel with tutorials and presentations OMERO YouTube
I3D:bio's OMERO Training Videos 2023: Research Data Management for Microscopy OMERO YouTube
Imaging Forum - discussions about imaging related topics OMERO
Training in TeSS about Planning Planning TeSS
MIAPPE training in TeSS Plant Phenomics TeSS
MIAPPE templates on GitHub Plant Phenomics GitHub
PHIS user documentation Plant Phenomics
PHIS developer documentation Plant Phenomics
Training in TeSS about Plant sciences Plant sciences TeSS
Training in TeSS about Preserving Preserving TeSS
Training in TeSS about Processing Processing TeSS
Training in TeSS about Proteomics Proteomics TeSS
Training in TeSS about Portugal Portugal TeSS
Training at Portugal GitHub Portugal GitHub YouTube Portugal YouTube
Training in TeSS about Reusing Reusing TeSS
Training in TeSS about Sweden Sweden TeSS
SciLifeLab Data Management YouTube Sweden YouTube
Training in TeSS about Sharing Sharing TeSS
Training in TeSS about Slovenia Slovenia TeSS
ELIXIR eLearning Platform Slovenia TeSS
Single-cell training on the Galaxy Training Network Single-cell sequencing
Training in TeSS about Data storage Data storage TeSS
Training in TeSS about Structural Bioinformatics Structural Bioinformatics TeSS
Documentation for the HPC cluster TSD
Courses on the usage of TSD from the University of Oslo TSD
Recording of a previous course on Nettskjema and TSD (April 2020) TSD
EOSC-Life website XNAT-PIC
Euro-Bioimaging website XNAT-PIC
Data Management - Biological and Preclinical Imaging Perspective XNAT-PIC YouTube
XNAT-PIC - expanding XNAT for image archiving and processing to Preclinical Imaging Centers XNAT-PIC YouTube