Data management challenges in plant sciences
The plant science domain includes studying the adaptation of plants to their environment, with applications ranging from improving crop yield or resistance to environmental conditions to managing forest ecosystems. Data integration and reuse are facilitators for understanding the play between genotype and environment to produce a phenotype, which requires integrating phenotyping experiments and genomic assays made on the same plant material with geo-climatic data. Moreover, cross-species comparisons are often necessary to understand the mechanisms behind phenotypic traits, especially at the genotypic level, due to the gap in genomic knowledge between well-studied plant species (namely Arabidopsis) and newly sequenced ones.
The challenges to data integration stem from the multiple levels of heterogeneity in this domain. It encompasses a variety of species, ranging from model organisms to crop species to wild plants such as forest trees. These often need to be detailed at infra-specific levels (e.g. subspecies, variety), but naming at these levels sometimes lacks consensus. Studies can take place in a diversity of settings, including indoor (e.g. growth chamber, greenhouse) and outdoor settings (e.g. cultivated field, forest) which differ fundamentally on the requirements and manner of characterizing the environment. Phenotypic data can be collected manually or automatically (by sensors and drones), and be very diverse in nature, spanning physical measurements, the results of biochemical assays, and images. Some omics data can be considered as well as molecular phenotypes (e.g. transcriptome, metabolomes). Thus, the extension and depth of metadata required to describe a plant experiment in a FAIR-compliant way is very demanding for researchers.
Another particularity of this domain is the absence of central deposition databases for certain important data types, in particular data deriving from plant phenotyping experiments. Whereas datasets from plant omics experiments are typically deposited in global deposition databases for that type of experiment, those from phenotyping experiments remain in institutional or, at best, national repositories. This makes it difficult to find, access and interconnect plant phenotyping data.
Data management planning
The general principles for data management planning are described in the Planning page of the Data life cycle section, while generic but more practical aspects of writing a DMP can be found on the Data Management Plan page.
- Important general considerations about data management planning can be found on the Planning page.
- Phenotyping data must be described following the MIAPPE data standard.
- Make sure to identify and describe the biological material and the observation variables in your research.
The knowledge model of the data management planning application Data Stewardship Wizard was reviewed for compliance with the needs of the Plant Sciences community.
Machine-actionable DMP
- The DSW Plant Sciences project template, available on ELIXIR’s DSW instance for researchers can be used for any plant sciences project. When creating the DMP Project, choose the option “From Project Template” and search for the “Plant Sciences” template.
DMP as a text document
- DataPLAN is a Data Management Plan generator for plant science. It supports DMPs for Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and the German BMBF and DFG. The main focus during development was to be able to be used with German funding agencies but was also extended to include other European funders.
- Depending on the country, there might also be other tools to take into consideration: for example, DMP OPIDoR in France or DMPonline for the UK. Visit the RDMkit national resources section for details.
Plant biological materials: (meta)data collection and sharing
Plant genetic studies, such as the genomic-based prediction of phenotypes, require the integration of genomic and phenotypic data with data about their environment. While phenotypic and environmental data are typically stored together in phenotyping databases, genomic and other types of molecular data are typically deposited in international deposition databases, for example, those of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC).
It can be challenging to integrate phenotypic and molecular data even within a single project, particularly if the project involves studying a panel of genetic resources in different conditions. It is paramount to maintain the link between the plant material in the field, the samples extracted from them (e.g. at different development stages), and the results of omics experiments (e.g. transcriptomics, metabolomics) performed on those samples, across all datasets that will be generated and published.
Integrating phenotyping and molecular data, both within and between studies, hinges entirely on precise identification of the plant material under study (down to the variety or even the seed lot), as well as of the samples that are collected from these plants.
- Are you working with established plant varieties, namely crop plants?
- Can you trace their provenance to a genebank accession?
- Are they identified in a germplasm database with an accession number?
- Are you working with crosses of established plant varieties?
- Can you trace the genealogy of the crosses to plant varieties from a genebank or identified in a germplasm database?
- Are you working with experimental material?
- Can you trace a genealogy to other material?
- How do you unambiguously identify your material?
Identification of plant biological materials
- Detailed metadata needs to be captured on the biological materials used in the study—the accession in the genebank or the experimental identification and, when applicable, the seed lots or the parent plants as well as the possible samples taken from the plant—as they are the key to integrating omics and phenotyping datasets.
Checklists and metadata standard
- The identification and description of plant materials should comply with the standard for the identification of plant genetic resources, The Multi-Crop Passport Descriptor (MCPD).
- If you are studying experimental plant materials that cannot be traced to an existing genebank or germplasm database, you should describe them in accordance with the MCPD in as much detail as possible.
- If your plant materials can be traced to an existing genebank or germplasm database, you need only to cross reference to the MCPD information already published in the genebank or germplasm database.
- The minimal fields from MCPD are listed in the Biological Material section of the Minimum Information About Plant Phenotyping Experiments (MIAPPE) metadata standard.
- For wild plants and accessions from tree collections, precise identification often requires the GPS coordinates of the tree. MIAPPE provides the necessary fields.
Tools for (meta)data collection
- For identifying your plant material in a plant genetic resource repository (genebank or germplasm database), you can consult the European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources ECPGR, which includes a ECPGR Central Crop Databases and other Crop Databases and a catalogue of relevant International Multicrop Databases.
- Other key databases for identifying plant material are
- the European Search Catalogue for Plant Genetic Resources EURISCO, which provides information about more than 2 million accessions of crop plants and their wild relatives from hundreds of European institutes in 43 member countries.
- Genesys, an online platform with a search engine for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) conserved in genebanks worldwide.
- The “Biological Material” section of the MIAPPE_Checklist-Data-Model checklist deals with sample description.
(Meta)Data sharing and publication
- For identifying samples from which molecular data was produced, the BioSamples database is recommended as a provider of international unique identifiers.
- The plant-miappe.json model provided by BioSamples is aligned with all recommendations provided above for plant identification and is therefore recommended for your sample submission.
- It is also recommended that you provide permanent access to a description of the project or study, that contains links to all the data, molecular or phenotypic. Several databases are recommended for this purpose, including:
Phenotyping: (meta)data collection and publication
Archiving, sharing, and publication of plant phenotyping data can be challenging, given that there is no global centralized archive for this type of data. Research projects often involve multiple partners, some of which collate data into their own (institutional) data management platforms, whereas others collate data into Excel spreadsheets.
For researchers, it is highly desirable that the datasets collected in different media by the partners in a research project (or across different collaborative projects) can be shared in a way that enables their integration for collective analysis and for facilitating deposition into a dedicated repository. For managers of plant phenotyping data repositories that support a project or institution, it is essential to ensure that the uptake of data is easy and includes a step of metadata validation upon intake.
It is recommended that metadata collection is contemplated from the start of the experiment and that the working environment facilitates (meta)data collection, storage, and validation throughout the project. In field studies, it is critical to record the geographical coordinates and time of the experiment for linkage with geo-climatic data. For all study types (fields, growth chamber or greenhouse), the environmental conditions that were measured should be described in detail.
- Did you collect the metadata for the identification of your plant material according to the recommendation provided in the above section?
- Have you documented your phenotyping and environment assays (i.e. measurement or computation methodology based on the trait, method, scale triplet) both for direct measures (data collection) and computed data (after data processing or analysis)?
- Is there an existing Crop Ontology for the species you experiment and does it describe your assay? If not, have you described your data following the trait, method, and scale triplet?
- Do you have your own system to collect data? Is it compliant with the MIAPPE standard?
- Are you exchanging data with individual researchers?
- In what media is data being collected?
- Is the data described in a MIAPPE-compliant manner?
- Are you exchanging data across different data management platforms?
- Do these platforms implement the Breeding API BrAPI specification?
- If not, are they MIAPPE-compliant? Do they enable automated data exchange?
Checklists and ontologies
- The metadata standard applicable to plant phenotyping experiments is MIAPPE.
- There is a section dedicated to the identification of plant biological materials that follows Multi-Crop Passport Descriptor (MCPD) described above.
- There is a section to describe the phenotyping assays based on the Crop Ontology recommendations.
- There is a section describing the type of experiment (greenhouse, field, etc.) and it is advisable to collect the location (geographical coordinates) and time where it was performed for linkage with geo-climatic data.
- Other sections include a description of investigations, studies, people involved, data files, environmental parameters, experimental factors, events, observed variables.
- Tools and resources for data collection and management:
- FAIRDOM-SEEK is a free data management platform for which MIAPPE templates are in development.
- DATAVERSE is a free data management platform for which MIAPPE templates are in development. It is used in several repositories such as Recherche Data Gouv.
- e!DAL is a free data management platform for which MIAPPE templates are in development.
- The ISA-tools also include a configuration for MIAPPE and can be used both for filling in metadata and for validating.
- Collaborative Open Plant Omics COPO is a data management platform specific to the plant sciences.
- FAIRsharing is a manually curated registry of reporting guidelines, vocabularies, identifier schemes, models, formats, repositories, knowledge bases, and data policies that includes many resources relevant for managing plant phenotyping data.
- Validation of MIAPPE compliance can be done via ISA-tools or upon data deposition in a Breeding API (BrAPI) BrAPI compatible server.
- If you or your partners collect data manually, it is critical to adopt a spreadsheet template that is compatible with the structure of the database that will be used for data deposition.
- If the database is MIAPPE compliant, you can use the MIAPPE-compliant spreadsheet template.
- This template could make use of tools for handling ontology annotations in a spreadsheet, such as Rightfield or OnotoMaton.
- If you or your partners collect data into data management platforms:
- If it implements BrAPI, you can exchange data using BrAPI calls.
- If it doesn’t implement BrAPI, the simplest solution would be to export data into the MIAPPE spreadsheet template, or another formally defined data template.
- For data deposition, it is highly recommended that you opt for one of the many repositories that implement BrAPI compatible server, as they enhance findability through the ELIXIR plant data discovery service, FAIR Data-finder for Agronomic Research (FAIDARE), enable machine actionable access to MIAPPE compliant data and validation of that compliance.
Genotyping: (meta)data collection and publication
Here are described the mandatory, recommended and optional metadata fields for data interoperability and re-use, as well as for data deposition in EVA (European Variation Archive), the EMBL-EBI’s open-access genetic variation archive connected to BioSamples, described above.
- Did you collect the metadata for the identification of your plant samples according to the recommendations provided in the above section?
- Is the reference genome assembly available in an International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) archive and has a Genome Collections Accession number, either GCA or GCF?
- Is the analytic approach used for creating the VCF file available in a publication and has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)?
Checklists, ontologies and file formats
- Sharing plant genotyping data files involves the use of the Variant Call Format (VCF) standard.
- Findability and reusability of VCF files depend on the supplied metadata and, in particular, with MIAPPE-compliant biological material description: the plant genomic and genetic variation data submission recipe helps you on that topic.
Data sharing and publication
- Once the VCF file is ready with all necessary metadata, it can be submitted to European Variation Archive (EVA). You will find all necessary information on the submission steps on the EVA submission page.
Related pages
More information
Links to FAIR Cookbook
FAIR Cookbook is an online, open and live resource for the Life Sciences with recipes that help you to make and keep data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable; in one word FAIR.
Skip tool tableTools and resources on this page
Tool or resource | Description | Related pages | Registry |
BioSamples | BioSamples stores and supplies descriptions and metadata about biological samples used in research and development by academia and industry. | Plant Genomics | Tool info Standards/Databases Training |
BioStudies | A database hosting datasets from biological studies. Useful for storing or accessing life sciences data without community-accepted repositories, and for linking components of data from multi-omics studies. | Microbial biotechnology Single-cell sequencing Data publication Project data managemen... | Tool info Standards/Databases Training |
BrAPI | Specification for a standard API for plant data: plant material, plant phenotyping data | Plant Phenomics | Training |
BrAPI compatible server | Submit a new BrAPI compatible server | ||
COPO | Portal for scientists to broker more easily rich metadata alongside data to public repos. | Plant Phenomics Data discoverability Documentation and meta... | Tool info Standards/Databases |
Crop Ontology | The Crop Ontology compiles concepts to curate phenotyping assays on crop plants, including anatomy, structure and phenotype. | Standards/Databases Training | |
Data Stewardship Wizard | Publicly available online tool for composing smart data management plans | CSC FAIRtracks Plant Genomics Plant Phenomics Data management plan GDPR compliance | Tool info Training |
DataPLAN | Data Management Plan (DMP) generator that focuses on plant science. | Tool info | |
DATAVERSE | Open source research data respository software. | Plant Phenomics Machine actionability Data storage | Training |
DMPonline | Data Management Plans that meet institutional funder requirements. | CSC Data management plan | Training |
e!DAL | Electronic data archive library is a framework for publishing and sharing research data | Plant Phenomics | Tool info Training |
ECPGR | Hub for the identification of plant genetic resources in Europe | ||
ECPGR Central Crop Databases and other Crop Databases | A number of ECPGR Central Crop Databases have been established through the initiative of individual institutes and of ECPGR Working Groups. The databases hold passport data and, to varying degrees, characterization and primary evaluation data of the major collections of the respective crops in Europe. | ||
EURISCO | European Search Catalogue for Plant Genetic Resources | Tool info | |
European Variation Archive (EVA) | Open-access database of all types of genetic variation data from all species. | Plant Genomics | Tool info Standards/Databases Training |
FAIDARE | FAIDARE is a tool allowing to search data across dinstinct databases that implemented BrAPI. | Plant Phenomics | Tool info Training |
FAIRDOM-SEEK | A data Management Platform for organising, sharing and publishing research datasets, models, protocols, samples, publications and other research outcomes. | NeLS Plant Phenomics Microbial biotechnology Data discoverability Documentation and meta... Data storage | Tool info |
FAIRDOMHub | Data, model and SOPs management for projects, from preliminary data to publication, support for running SBML models, etc. (public SEEK instance) | NeLS Plant Genomics Plant Phenomics Microbial biotechnology Data discoverability Documentation and meta... | Standards/Databases Training |
FAIRsharing | A curated, informative and educational resource on data and metadata standards, inter-related to databases and data policies. | FAIRtracks Health data Microbial biotechnology Data discoverability Data provenance Data publication Existing data Machine actionability Documentation and meta... | Standards/Databases Training |
Genesys | Genesys is an online platform where you can find information about Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture PGRFA conserved in genebanks worldwide. | ||
International Multicrop Databases | A catalogue of relevant International Multicrop Databases | ||
International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration | The International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) is a long-standing foundational initiative that operates between DDBJ, EMBL-EBI and NCBI. INSDC covers the spectrum of data raw reads, through alignments and assemblies to functional annotation, enriched with contextual information relating to samples and experimental configurations. | Galaxy Microbial biotechnology Data publication | |
International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) | A collaborative database of genetic sequence datasets from DDBJ, EMBL-EBI and NCBI | Galaxy Microbial biotechnology Data publication | Tool info |
ISA-tools | Open source framework and tools helping to manage a diverse set of life science, environmental and biomedical experiments using the Investigation Study Assay (ISA) standard | Standards/Databases | |
MIAPPE | Minimum Information About a Plant Phenotyping Experiment | Plant Genomics Plant Phenomics Documentation and meta... | Standards/Databases Training |
MIAPPE-compliant spreadsheet template | MIAPPE-compliant spreadsheet template | ||
MIAPPE_Checklist-Data-Model | This document describes the MIAPPE Checklist and Data Model | ||
Multi-Crop Passport Descriptor (MCPD) | The Multi-Crop Passport Descriptor is the metadata standard for plant genetic resources maintained ex situ by genbanks. | Standards/Databases Training | |
OnotoMaton | OntoMaton facilitates ontology search and tagging functionalities within Google Spreadsheets. | Identifiers | |
plant-miappe.json | BioSamples Plant MIAPPE checklist in JSON format | ||
Recherche Data Gouv | An ecosystem for sharing and opening research data | Standards/Databases | |
Rightfield | RightField is an open-source tool for adding ontology term selection to Excel spreadsheets | Microbial biotechnology Identifiers | Tool info |
Zenodo | Generalist research data repository built and developed by OpenAIRE and CERN | FAIRtracks Plant Phenomics Bioimaging data Biomolecular simulatio... Single-cell sequencing Data publication Identifiers | Standards/Databases Training |
National resources
Tools and resources tailored to users in different countries.
Tool or resource | Description | Related pages | Registry |
PIPPA | PIPPA, the PSB Interface for Plant Phenotype Analysis, is the central web interface and database that provides the tools for the management of the plant imaging robots on the one hand, and the analysis of images and data on the other hand. |
Plant Phenomics Data Steward Researcher Research Software Engi... | Tool info |