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National resources: Italy


This page provides a general overview of national resources on Research Data Management (RDM) in Italy.

ICDI (Italian Computing and Data Infrastructure) is a forum created by representatives of the main Italian research institutions and e-Infrastructures. Aim of this initiative is the promotion of synergies at national level in order to strengthen the Italian effort in tackling the current European challenges in data management, such as the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), the European Data Infrastructure (EDI) and High Performance Computing (HPC).

Its activities articulate around tre main actions:

  • Federated cloud platform task force
  • EOSC competence centre task force
  • National working groups

Data management support and training for life science researchers is provided at national level by the Italian ELIXIR Node, hosted at the Italian Infrastructure for Bioinformatics (IIB).

The Research Data Alliance (RDA) Italian Node is hosted at the CNR Institute of Information Science and Technologies (CNR-ISTI) and provides support and training for both humanities and STEM.

Italian OpenAIRE NOAD (National Open Access Desk) is in place in order to develop capacity at local level and to provide expert advice on infrastructures, supporting workflows for open science. is the Italian portal dedicated to the field of open science (in Italian).

The resource is part of ICDI activities, hosting the editorial committee. Information in the portal is organised according to the point of view of 4 types of users:

  • researchers
  • funding bodies
  • local institutions
  • citizens

In addition, a catalogue of more than 50 open access policy documents from Italian universities is available, along with international reference documents as reports, recommendations and guidelines about open science.

Tools and resources

Tailored to users in Italy

Developed and/or deployed by institutions and organisations in Italy.

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Resource Description Related pages Registry

Italian portal dedicated to the field of open science.

Data Steward Researcher Data management plan

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